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Banca Generali Corporate Website

Banca Generali Corporate Website



1H 2024 Financial Results

Sharp increase in Banca Generali’s interim net profit, driven by growth in total assets and in performance.


BG ArTalent

Banca Generali to the side of contemporary art in promoting Milan ArtWeek 2024 with artist Francesco Vezzoli.


Investor Day 2022-24

Value of service, Innovation and Sustainability at the centre of our new three-year plan.


The most recent communications, the results presentations, the updates and the events concerning the world of Banca Generali.

1H 2024 Financial Results

Press Releases

  • 09 September 2024

    Net Inflows August 2024

    Total net inflows at €378 million in August (€4.4 billion YTD). Net inflows of Assets under Investment at €136 million (€1.8 billion YTD).

  • 05 August 2024

    Net Inflows July 2024

    Total net inflows amounted to €x million in July (€ x,x million YTD); Net inflows of Asset under Investment at €x million (€ x,x million YTD).


  • 07 November 2024

    Interim Report as of 30 September 2024

04 September 2024

I settori più ‘tradizionali’ hanno superato per performance le stelle del tech negli ultimi mesi, grazie a bilanci solidi, dividendi e crescita. Caso emblematico Coca-Cola, sui massimi...

02 September 2024

La demografia come motore dell'innovazione: Francesco Billari esplora il legame tra popolazione, sostenibilità e progresso tecnologico.

29 August 2024

La Fed ha promesso un aggiustamento della politica monetaria, rafforzando l’ottimismo su un ciclo di tagli dei tassi e sul soft landing dell’economia. Più prudenza attesa da Bce e BoE,...

Strategy Sustainability in BG

Our 2022-2024 Strategic Plan starts from the solid foundation built in the different phases of our development and aims to take full advantage of the favorable momentum in the financial advisory industry.

We aspire to strengthen our positioning in terms of sustainability: our goal is to be the benchmark in ESG for all our stakeholders.

Financial Education EduFin 3.0

The initiative aims to spread a positive culture toward the world of private banking.

Edufin3.0 develops its content on all major social media platforms:from Facebook to TikTok, from Instagram to YouTube to podcasts.

Our social media

We are on the main social media channels. Follow us for updates in real time.

Podcast - Good Morning Mercati