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Our Headquarters are in Milan, Trieste and Luxembourg.

Banca Generali

Registered office: Via Machiavelli 4 – 34132 Trieste

Operational offices: Piazza Tre Torri, 1 – 20145 Milano

Operational offices: Corso Cavour 5/A – 34132 Trieste



BG Fund Management Luxembourg

Registered office: 14, Allèe Marconi – L-2120 Lussemburgo



Operational offices and registered office: via Ugo Bassi, 8 – 20159 Milano

BG Valeur

Central office: Piazza della Riforma 2/3 – CH-6900 Lugano


Aware of the need to implement a closure approach to the requirement of each customer, Banca Generali has organized its networks of consultants in order to bring the best tools and services to the personal goals of each interlocutor.

The Banca Generali Private FA (Financial Planners, Private Banking, Wealth Management), are present throughout Italy with offices and branches, ensuring their support in protection of savings and planning the assets of customers.

Private Banking and Wealth Management services are available throughout the Italian area in all our offices and branches.

The Banca Generali Group's presence on the territory is widespread and supported in Italy by 170 consultants' offices and 46 bank branches.

RegionBanca Generali (as of 31.12.2020)Offices (as of 31.12.2020)
Abruzzo 1 2
Calabria 1 3
Campania 4 9
Emilia Romagna 4 20
Friuli Venezia Giulia 2 6
Lazio 2 7
Liguria 5 12
Lombardia 8 26
Marche 1 6
Molise - -
Piemonte 4 21
Puglia 2 7
Sardegna - 1
Sicilia 1 4
Toscana 5 17
Trentino Alto Adige - 2
Umbria 1 3
Valle d'Aosta - 1
Veneto 6 23
Total 46 170
Sustainable growth and innovation: these are the values that have inspired our story, making us a point of reference in the Italian market of wealth management.