What We Offer
The appreciation of differences, our inclusion polices and the equal opportunities recognised in our growth and development processes are part of the principles on which the Diversity & Inclusion Policy that we promote within the Bank is based.
Working at Banca Generali means embarking upon a process of constant growth at both a human and professional level. Our employees participate in merit-oriented programmes aimed at building knowledge and skills through training sessions and project-management activities.
The programmes are in addition to advanced training initiatives (e.g., advanced courses with prestigious academic institutions and coaching programmes), national and international mobility and cultural, sport and experiential events organised by the Bank, aimed at motivating and retaining the most talented professionals.
We offer market-benchmarked remuneration complemented by additional benefits and incentivisation systems aimed at improving the quality of life of those who work at the Group and rewarding performance, as well as achieving specific objectives on the basis of merit.
Specific training programmes are organised for new recruits in order to both help them become integrated within the Company and gain a better awareness of its business.
Employee Policies
In close connection with the guidelines and methods of the Generali Group, we adopt policies that make human resources the focus of corporate activities.
Personnel are hired with regular work contracts, as no form of illegal work, exploitation, or forced or child labour is tolerated. Collaborators receive clear and specific information on regulatory and remunerative aspects when they are hired and during their employment.
The European Social Charter of the Generali Group, also adopted by Banca Generali, stresses recognition of the fundamental rights of workers, establishing the aims of developing issues related to the protection of human resources and of those representing Group employees.
Furthermore, in keeping with banking practices and the Self-Regulatory Code promoted by ABI (Italian Banking Association), we have adopted an Internal Code of Conduct. This document states that relations among colleagues and collaborators must always respect the principles of loyalty, fairness and solidarity.

Equal Opportunities
Valuing people, their diversity and inclusion policies are an essential ingredient of the Bank's People Strategy.
This is why we at Banca Generali always pay attention to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) issues as factors of unity and dialogue within the organization.
In order to give concrete substance to DEI values from the highest levels of the organization, in 2018 our Board of Directors approved the Diversity Policy for Members of Corporate Bodies, which is reviewed at least every two years.
The set of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion principles also underpins our selection and recruitment processes: these processes are based on impartiality and respect for diversity with the aim of identifying and selecting the best profiles.
Learn more about our initiatives dedicated to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion issues in the Sustainability> People section.

Banca Generali receives Gender Equality Certification

Data as of 31.12.2023
Banca Generali considers employee training a key resource to support the company's success and competitiveness, in the short and long term.
Personal and professional growth, the improvement of skills, managerial and technical, of our employees are fundamental pillars to achieve the challenging objectives of the strategic plan.
Training is carried out in constant and continuous paths over time, in line with People's needs and talents in order to orient them towards individual responsibility and motivation, corentemente with the company's values.
Offering quality training, whether in the classroom, with e-learning platforms, or in hybrid mode, is the prerogative to support the development, both upskilling and reskilling, of all employees and make Banca Generali an ever influential player in the market. Among the training activities for the benefit of our employees we find programs for the development of managerial and behavioral skills, paths to deepen technical skills, and programs related to regulatory and security issues, which may have a focus on Anti-Money Laundering, Banking Transparency, Privacy and Market Abuse, without forgetting the special attention devoted to issues related to Cyber Security, considering the new strongly digital-oriented landscape.

Our People also carry out mandatory training on an annual basis relating to the fundamental rules of conduct as contained in the Code of Conduct, which includes among its minimum standards the promotion of a work environment free from any form of discrimination or harassment and the promotion of diversity and inclusion within the Banking Group.
The data relating to the training initiatives carried out testify to the continuous attention of the Bank and the Top Management to the development and constant updating of the technical and managerial skills of the employees, protecting sociality and the development of a strong sense of belonging to the Banking Group, stimulating the desire for growth and facilitating the creation of a positive working environment with a high degree of involvement, facilitating relationships of trust and increasing people's engagement. In 2023, 65,995 hours of training were used at Banca Generali (60,153 in 2022 and 55,145 in 2021), of which 679 hours were provided to young interns.
In line with the trend of recent years, the average number of training hours provided by each employee is growing, and in 2023 it amounted to 61.
For us at Banca Generali, sustainability represents one of the pillars of the Strategic Plan, in line with the company Vision and Mission: in this regard, starting from 2022 we have implemented various initiatives on the topic aimed at creating awareness on the topic and allowing us to reach the challengers Objectives of the Plan.
To this end we have structured the "Banca Generali and Sustainability" path dedicated to all employees and focused on the themes of sustainable finance, sustainable investments, Banca Generali's commitment to the environment and the numerous Banca Generali initiatives in the ESG area .
Furthermore, with a view to upskilling on ESG issues, during 2023, we have created several specialist training rooms, such as:
- two advanced training rooms on green, social and Sustainable Bonds;
- a classroom to learn more about the new European legislation on ESG reporting (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and new EFRAG standards);
- a classroom with an environmental and climate focus, both in terms of strategic actions and initiatives and with a risk-based interpretation;
- Furthermore, for BGFML specialists, an in-depth classroom on ESG risk issues.
- This is part of a large project, which will continue with other specialist training in the coming years.
Also during 2023, an important initiative in the world of digital innovation continued, the Digital Minds Program: an ambitious program that aims to strengthen digital skills and innovation in line with the Strategic Plan.
The program, lasting three years (2022-2024), consists of several phases:
- Self-assessment (Digital Awareness Survey) to map the level of the 6 core digital skills identified: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Advanced Analytics, Fintech, Experience Design
- Personalized report with representation of your profile with respect to the function you belong to
Foundation program
- Preparatory pre-reading on the skill under investigation
- Transversal Learning Waves: creation of webinars with Experts on the 6 core skills, dedicated to all functions
- In-depth quizzes and toolkits to conclude the meetings
- Functional insights: vertical meetings dedicated to the different professional families to explore how digital skills impact/will impact each function from an operational point of view (e.g. new tools, new customer experience model, etc.)
- Masterclasses on specific topics dedicated to Advanced (Digital Innovator) profiles
As of December 2023, 89% of the Banca Generali population participated in at least one Digital Minds session.
Process for Evaluating Performance
As Banca Generali Group, we are aware of the importance of the constant enhancement of our People. With this in mind, performance management has always been a cornerstone of the relationship of trust between Employee and Manager.
Group Performance Management, which takes place every six months, aims to engage and motivate all our People to achieve important results, promoting continuous professional development and a culture of excellent performance. The initiative also aims to ensure that all employees receive structured feedback on performance and can build an individual professional development plan through transparent and open dialogue.
This process is annual and consists of 6 different well-defined steps:

A major innovation in the process was introduced in 2024, namely the possibility of obtaining feedback from other colleagues (Stakeholder feedback), with a view to continuous improvement, regarding projects and activities in which one was involved during 2023.
In 2023, 100 percent of "eligible" employees received performance appraisals confirming the interest of Managers and all Co-workers in the process, aimed at creating greater closeness and trust at the same time.
Hours of Training provided from 2017
In 2023, 65,995 hours of training were used at Banca Generali (60,153 in 2022 and 55,145 in 2021), of which 679 hours were provided to young interns.
Work-life balance
Banca Generali continues to support people in adopting the Next Normal based on hybrid, flexible and sustainable work models that maximize the value of people, support the achievement of strategic ambitions and generate benefits for all.
The transition to the Next Normal requires a cultural revolution based on ownership and trust to support sustainable productivity and facilitate work-life balance. Banca Generali has adopted a series of measures and facilities to improve work-life balance for its people.
Since 2022, the BG Smart Working Guidelines have been part of Banca Generali's culture, and in 2023 the entire population has been involved in defining virtuous behaviors to be associated with each Guideline, both as Employees and as People Managers. LPermane therefore the centrality of people and their well-being also in terms of work-life balance. Smart working c.d. Next Normal, has been extended, with some ameliorative changes, and continues to be recognized in all respects as an opportunity to increase employee satisfaction and improve awareness of the importance of balancing professional and personal commitments. To date, all employees belonging to the eligible business functions benefit from this new working mode, in line with the sustainability-related goals set forth in the Strategic Plan 2022-2024.