ESG Ratings, Membership & Awards
The associations of which we are part and our awards on sustainability.
ESG Rater | Rating | Scale (low|high) | |
MSCI | In 2024, Banca Generali received a rating of A (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment. | A | CCC|AAA |
Sustainalyitics ESG | Banca Generali received an ESG Risk Rating of 9,09 and was assessed by Morningstar Sustainalytics to be at Negligible level of risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors. | 9,09 | 40+|0 Severe - Negligible |
Moody's Analytics | In 2024 Banca Generali received an ESG Overall Score of 67/100 (Advanced) to Moody's Analytics ESG Assessment. On the basis of this assessment, Banca Generali is has been included in the MIB ESG Index*, to which it was admitted on 17 October 2021. | 67/100 Advanced | 0|100 |
ISS | Banca Generali has received the scores by ISS - Institutional Shareholder Services on ESG issues – environmental, social and governance with respect to the Quality Score. | Quality Score Top Badge Social | 10|1 |
S&P | Banca Generali scored 65 (out of 100) in the 2024 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA Score as of 27.11.2024). | 65/100 | 0|100 |
Standard Ethics | In July 2024, Standard Ethics - specialized in the analysis of sustainable finance - has confirmed in the "EE+" Very Strong | EE+ (Very Strong) | F|EEE |
Integrated Corporate Index (ICI) | In 2023 Banca Generali resulted as a Leader in terms of ESG Identity. | Leader |
In 2024, Banca Generali received a rating of A (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment*
*The use by Banca Generali of any MSCI ESG Research LLC or its affiliates (“MSCI”) data, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service mark or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement, recommendation, or promotion of Banca Generali by MSCI. MSCI services and data are the property of MSCI or its information providers, and are provided ‘as-is’ and without warranty. MSCI names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI.
Sustainalytics ESG Risk Rating
In February 2025, Banca Generali SpA received an ESG Risk Rating of 9,09 and was assessed by Morningstar Sustainalytics to be at Negligible level of risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors.
Moreover, was recognized by Sustainalytics as a "Global 50 ESG Top Rated", "Industry ESG Top Rated", and "Region ESG Top Rated" company for 2025.
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Moody's Analytics
In 2024 Banca Generali received an ESG Overall Score of 67/100 (Advanced) to Moody's Analytics ESG Assessment. On the basis of this assessment, Banca Generali is included in the MIB ESG Index*, to which it was admitted on 17 October 2021.
*The methodology underlying the index involves drawing up rankings of the 40 top companies on the basis of ESG criteria, selected from among the 60 most liquid Italian companies, excluding those involved in activities not compatible with ESG investments. The composition of the index is revised with quarterly frequency and the Bank’s presence in the index was confirmed in December 2021. Also, please note that Moody’s is the data provider for ESG filters and is not responsible for the methodology of the Index, which is owned by Euronext.
To date, Banca Generali has received the following scores by ISS - Institutional Shareholder Services on ESG issues – environmental, social and governance with respect to the Quality Score:
- Social Score of 1, in which 1 is the highest level of disclosure and 10 is the lowest, thus obtaining the 'Quality Score Top Badge Social' for companies that have achieved the highest score;
- Governance Score of 2, on a scale in which 1 is the lowest level of risk and 10 is the highest;
- Environment Score of 2, in which 1 is the highest level of disclosure and 10 is the lowest.
Banca Generali scored 65 (out of 100) in the 2024 S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA Score as of 27.11.2024).
Standard Ethics
In July 2024, Standard Ethics - specialized in the analysis of sustainable finance - has confirmed the "EE+ Very Strong" Corporate Standard Ethics Rating (SER) of Banca Generali, with a stable 12-month outlook.
The Bank appears to be aligned with most international sustainability strategies.
Integrated Corporate Index
The Integrated Corporate Index (ICI) is a quantitative index created on the basis of a questionnaire created by EticaNews addressed to a sample of Italian companies-listed and unlisted-in order to clearly and concisely express their positioning in relation to key sustainability aspects.
In 2024 Banca Generali resulted as a Leader in terms of ESG Identity, a signal of the the presence of a serious path of ESG transformation and evolution of the company's identity and is intended to be an indicator of consistency, commitment and vision.
The Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (ItaSIF)
We have been ordinary members of The Italian Sustainable Investment Forum (ItaSIF), one of the founding members of Eurosif (European Sustainable Investment Forum), since May 2019.
Founded in 2001, the Forum for Sustainable Finance is a multi-stakeholder non-profit association which promotes knowledge and practice of sustainable investment to spread the integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into financial products and processes.
European Corporate Governance Institute - Institutional Membership
Banca Generali is an Institutional Member of ECGI, an international scientific non-profit association providing a forum for debate and dialogue between academics, legislators and practitioners, focusing on major corporate governance issues.
Women's Empowerment Principles
A new step towards diversity & inclusion with the signing of the Women Empowerment Principles. Women Empowerment Principles international labour and human rights principles that are based on the recognition of an interest in and responsibility for gender equality in companies.
Devised by the United Nations, the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEP) are a set of principles that offer guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women's empowerment in the workplace, the marketplace and the community.
Charter "Women in Bank: enhancing gender diversity"
In 2022, Banca Generali reiterated its commitment to enhancing equal treatment and opportunities between genders by signing the Charter “Donne in Banca: valorizzare la diversità di genere” (Women in Bank: enhancing gender diversity), promoted by the Italian Banking Association (ABI).
Principles for Responsible Investments
In December 2022, Banca Generali became a signatory of the PRI (Principles for Responsible Investments) promoted by the United Nations, confirming the commitment formalised in the Strategic Plan, in line with its Vision of aiming “To Be the No. 1 Private Bank by Value of Service, Innovation and Sustainability”.
The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) were launched in 2006 with the intention of fostering the spread of sustainable and responsible investment among institutional investors, and being part of the PRI network will allow Banca Generali to participate in a unique platform for dialogue with institutions and collaboration with industry peers.
Thanks to our model, our approach and attention to sustainability, we have distinguished ourselves for the following awards:
Banca Generali joins the MIB ESG, the new ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) index dedicated to Italian blue-chips, designed by Euronext and Borsa Italiana to identify the major listed national issuers with the best ESG practices.
What is the MIB ESG Index?
The MIB ESG index combines the measurement of economic performance with ESG assessments in line with the principles of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
The composition of the index is based on the analysis of ESG criteria by Vigeo Eiris (V.E.), a Moody's ESG Solutions company, which assesses the ESG performance of issuers.

Best Asset Managers Green 2023 - German Quality and Finance Institute
In 2023, Banca Generali's asset management won the gold medal for "Best Asset Managers Green 2023," as well as being included in the small circle of "Best Asset Managers in Italy 2023".
The recognition coming from the German Institute of Quality and Finance, which gave the Bank a score of 95 on a scale of 0 to 100, analyzes investment portfolio proposals for a typical client developed by leading Italian financial players. Banca Generali excelled in sustainable porfolios, thanks to its marked exposure to ESG investments, the customization of its offerings, and the quality of its fund selection.
Financial Times - Best Private Bank in Italy 2023
At the end of 2023, Banca Generali has been recognized as the "Best Private Bank in Italy 2023" by the international jury gathered by the Financial Times Group's specialized publications on the occasion of the 15th edition of the Global Private Banking Awards, one of the most relevant awards in the global private banking industry.
The award highlights the quality and uniqueness of the development path in wealth advisory services to families initiated and consolidated by the third Italian private bank, which receives this award for the fifth time in the last 7 years. A path that has undergone a strong acceleration in recent years also in terms of the quality of work and the inclusive and sustainable environment that the bank has managed to create for all stakeholders despite the challenges and unknowns posed by the market.
Capital Finance International - Best Sustainable Private Bank in Italy 2022
At the end of 2022, Banca Generali has been recognized internationally by the British magazine CFI - Capital Finance International as the "Best Sustainable Private Bank in Italy 2022". The jury of the award, made up of financial analysts and journalists, appreciated the commitment to the world of ESG investments.
CFI – Capital Finance International is an English magazine dedicated to economics and finance that analyzes changes and different approaches to business at a global level. Every year, the magazine organizes the CFI Awards, rewarding companies that stand out internationally in terms of innovation, digitization and sustainability.
Institutional Investor
According to the survey conducted by Institutional Investor, among 1200 analysts and institutional investors, we are first in the world of financial services where we have been awarded as:
- Most Honored Bank in the "Small & Mid caps - specialty & other Finance", a category that includes private banking, financial fintech and asset management companies from all over Europe, ahead of the German Dws and Anima;
- Top Ranked ESG Company, first place in the reporting of sustainable investments thanks to the initiatives in the platform dedicated to the ESG portfolio for customers and tailor-made reporting;
- Best CEO and Best CFO, at the top of the podium in financial services segment.
Institutional Investor is a benchmark in financial communications and the survey conducted annually by the research team rewards quality and transparency in the financial relations of listed companies with the audience of investors.

Best Employer 2023 - German Quality and Finance Institute
Banca Generali is the best place to work in Italy in the finance and private banking industry.
This was confirmed by independent research conducted by the German Quality and Finance Institute, which analysed the panorama of large companies in Italy to assess which are the best employers in each sector.
In its analysis, the German Institute of Quality and Finance took into consideration 27 indicators including working climate, professional development, growth prospects, sustainability and corporate values.
Through a mix of direct analysis, social listening and the use of artificial intelligence, the Institute then determined the ranking and awarded medals in the field of employee welfare, which has taken on an additional dimension and social significance with the pandemic.

Most Sustainable Private Bank 2022 e Best Private Bank for Diversity & Inclusion Italy 2022 - World Economic Magazine
World Economic Magazine, the U.S. journal dedicated to international business and finance, has named us as the "Most Sustainable Private Bank" of 2022.
Driving the judging is the uniqueness of our development business model launched in early 2019, which allows our Clients' investment portfolios to be associated with the 17 SDGs of the UN 2030 Agenda.
Among the awards bestowed by World Economic Magazine (the full list is available at the website), we have also obtained that as "Best Private Bank for Diversity & Inclusion Italy 2022."
Best Asset Manager 2022 - German Quality and Finance Institute
According to the analysis conducted by the German Quality and Finance Institute, Banca Generali and its Asset Managers are the "Best Asset Managers 2022".
The analysis, conducted on the investment portfolios of the country's largest financial operators, saw the Bank in first place in traditional asset management and in second place in "green" asset management, i.e. asset management with a strong sustainability matrix.
The elements that particularly allowed the Bank to obtain these awards are: the wide level of diversification, the quality of the products selected and, more generally, the approach aimed at sustainable development and inspired by the principles of social responsibility in investments.
Best Financial Advisors Network in Italy - German Quality and Finance Institute
Banca Generali Private is the best financial advisor network in Italy in terms of client satisfaction.
The recognition comes from the German Quality and Finance Institute, which, through independent research conducted on end-customers, has lined up the financial advisors best able to meet the wealth planning needs of Italians.
Driving the opinion of clients, in the German Institute's research, is the broad spectrum of solutions offered and the evolved digital architecture that, especially during the pandemic, represented a strong added value in the ability to respond effectively to the needs of our clients.