Shared Value Creation Model
We believe in long-term growth by creating value for our people and communities, while protecting the planet.
The responsibility to think long term is in the DNA of our asset protection business with a long-term vision.
This is why we promote the idea of sustainable development that listens to all stakeholders, trying to understand what their needs are in order to combine them with the corporate business objectives and remaining in line with our mission and our vision.
Our strategy is to offer our customers the opportunity to invest according to their values and principles, contributing to sustainable growth over time with an entrepreneurial action aimed at achieving stable and satisfactory long-term economic-commercial results, reducing the associated risks both the volatility of the economic context and the inadequate planning of objectives.
The principles we aspire are based on a ESG approach and we apply them at each phase of value chain and that we manage through the Sustainable Governance model.

Our Strategic Guidelines within in the 2022-2024 Plan
The strategic ambition underlying the Plan drawn up for the 2022-2024 three-year period is to maintain Banca Generali on a path of rapid, profitable and remunerative growth for its shareholders, in continuity and improvement compared to the excellent results already achieved.
- We believe that all this is possible through some strategic guidelines, closely linked to the three pillars of our Plan:The first pillar aims to increase the Value of Service, attracting and introducing new Client segments to the world of advisory and to the Company's range of solutions with increasingly personalised offerings and service models that may be scaled by its Financial Advisors.
- With the second pillar we intend to increase the Innovation of our model through the creation of a data-driven Bank and expanding the ecosystem of platforms and digital tools to develop a range of solutions even more tailored to the needs of our Financial Advisors and our Clients.
- Through the third pillar we strive to consolidate to consolidate our position in terms of Sustainability by setting new, ambitious targets, respecting the environment and the individuals and pursuing the objective of creating value for all our stakeholders.
Creation and Distribution of Value Added
The value creation is boosted by the inputs generated by our approach in reference to 5 types of capital:
- Financial Capital: the set of funds that an organization can use to produce goods or provide services. They are obtained through forms of financing or generated through operational activity or from the results of investments;
- Human Capital, people's skills, abilities and experience and their motivation to innovate, which include: sharing and supporting the governance model, the Bank's risk management approach, as well as the ability to understand, develop and implement the Bank's strategy; finally, loyalty and commitment to the improvement of processes, goods and services, including their ability to lead, manage and collaborate;
- Intellectual Capital, intangible assets corresponding to the organizational capital and the value of knowledge. They include: intellectual property, such as patents, copyrights, software, rights and licenses, trademarks as well as organizational capital, such as implicit knowledge, systems, procedures and protocols;
- Social and Relationship Capital, institutions and relationships within communities, stakeholder groups and other networks, as well as the ability to share information to increase the well-being of the Bank and the community. Relational capital includes: shared rules, common behaviors and values; relations with key stakeholders, as well as the trust and commitment that the Bank has developed and strives to build and protect for the benefit of external stakeholders, as well as the intangible assets associated with the corporate reputation, finally the license to operate the Bank in its social context;
- Natural Capital, includes all processes and environmental resources, renewable and non-renewable, which provide goods or services for the past, present and future success of the Bank.

The creation of value for all our stakeholders is one of our key objectives.
Most of the economic Value generated is distributed to the various stakeholders with which Banca Generali comes into contact in the course of its day-to-day operations, including Shareholders, Suppliers, Financial Advisors, Employees, the Government and, finally, the community and the environment.
In 2022, the business system also retained — in the form of retained earnings, depreciation and amortisation, residual provisions for risks and changes in deferred tax assets and liabilities — the total amount of 85.7 million euros, or 7.47% of the Economic Value generated. The amount is to be regarded as an investment that the other categories of stakeholders make each year in order to keep the Company in efficient condition and foster its development.