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The goal of our work is to improve the lives of our customers, turning a promise into reality.

Long term trust

At 31 December 2023, Banca Generali’s AUM (Assoreti Scope) amounted to 91.8 billion euros (+11.7% vs. December 2022). Moreover, we have succeeded in increasing the number of our customers from 341,732 to 349,192 (+2.2%).

Customers Number and AUM Customers Number Asset Under Management (billion €)
2023 349,192 91.8
2022 341,732 82.2
2021 331,646 84.5
2020 311,947 73.3
Var % 2.2% 11.7%
Age 2020 2021 2022 2023
< of 35 10% 10% 10% 11%
35-50 20% 19% 18% 17%
51-60 24% 24% 24% 23%
61-70 18% 19% 19% 20%
> of 70 24% 24% 24% 24%
Other 4% 4% 4% 5%

Breakdown of Customers by geographical area

Geographical Area 2020 2021 2022 2023
Abroad 1% 1% 1% 1%
Centre 19% 19% 19% 19%
Islands 4% 4% 4% 3%
North-east 31% 31% 31% 31%
North-west 31% 31% 32% 31%
South 15% 15% 15% 15%

Through constant innovation, we seek to adapt rapidly to market changes and ensure timely, clear communication of new solutions and services aimed at creating value for our customers and investors more generally, in a manner inspired by the principles of the Generali Group's Code of Ethics.

That Internal Code of Conduct sets out the principles with which to comply in relations with customers:

  • conducting business in compliance with the law, internal regulations and professional ethics;
  • promoting the culture of sustainability in all of our spheres of influence to contribute concretely to economic and social development based on respect for fundamental human rights and labour and environmental protection;
  • processing personal data in a manner respectful of data protection rights, while ensuring they are inaccessible to third parties, except for justified company reasons or in the presence of a specific external mandate;
  • avoiding any conflicts of interest and, where it is not possible to do so, managing them in such a way as not to result in harm to the Bank or its customers;
  • guaranteeing free competition, a fundamental factor for the development of company business and results;
  • providing comprehensive and accurate financial disclosures, as well as information on products and services, so that customers can make informed decisions;
  • combating all forms of bribery and corruption;
  • opposing any conduct that could be intended as supportive of money laundering and financing of terrorism;
  • pursuing customer satisfaction, a key factor to the Bank's strategic vision.

Our business model also combines a wide array of investment solutions and banking services with a qualified advisory service provided by Financial Planners and Private Bankers, so that customers can choose the products that best meet their needs and characteristics.

The distribution network of Financial Planners and Private Bankers located throughout Italy is accompanied by a free Home Banking service that clients can use to communicate with and submit orders to the Bank via the Internet or telephone securely and conveniently.

Our products and services are designed according to a responsible, transparent approach based on specific guidelines:

  • Offering with no conflicts of interest based on an open architecture: we offer our clients a full range of open-architecture investment solutions featuring flexibility and personalisation, so as to meet their different needs and requirements and ensure consistency with their financial planning objectives, risk tolerance and asset allocation;
  • Protecting households' investments: we have created insurance investment products that offer financial coverage for the important life projects of our customers and their family members such as obtaining a diploma or university degree, buying a first home, or marriage. These products include insurance covers to protect their savings plans, which take over if unforeseen life events prevent the client completing what has been planned. We have also developed ad-hoc tools for supporting our Financial Advisors in analysing our clients' assets in order to identify any critical issues relating to generational transfer;
  • Development of banking services for households and the weakest social categories: harnessing the potential of digitalisation, we offer a roster of banking and asset management services at accessible prices that make daily operations — including payment and digital transactions — simple, efficient and secure;
  • Risk control and customer support in investment management: we have created IT solutions that make it possible to grow and monitor our clients' assets over time, suggesting actions and strategies according to specific, constantly evolving needs;
  • Clarity and transparency in communication with clients: in line with the indications of MiFID 2 and the provisions of our Internal Code of Conduct, transparency, accuracy and timeliness are the principles guiding the drafting of contracts, commercial documents and other communications with clients, with a particular focus on describing the characteristics of products and their risks, costs and charges;
  • Focus on environmental and social issues: we have developed and continue to expand our range of sustainable investment products, which today are one of the distinctive aspects of our selling proposition. Our ESG solutions, which combine financial return goals with a focus on environmental, social and governance aspects relating to the investment solutions, include money-market and planned savings products. In addition, we also launched the new Private Markets solutions dedicated to investments in the real economy. At the end of 2022, the value of AUM tied to the ESG range accounted for 32.2% on total managed solutions (funds, Sicavs and insurance and financial underlying).
We steer our choices so as to ensure compatibility between economic initiative and environmental needs, taking an active role in creating a sustainable future.