#BG4SDGs - Time to Change
Looking at the future to protect our only home
#BG4SDGs is a project born out of the need to tell the story of sustainability and the progress of the UN 2030 Agenda.
We have chosen to do this through:
- a photographic project, curated by Stefano Guindani, of social denunciation with the aim of raising awareness and showing how human action on the one hand is negative for the environment and the community, while on the other hand it is positive thanks to the search for innovative solutions to remedy it;
- a digital talk series, curated by Massimo Sideri, where we discuss what is already being done to achieve the 17 SDGs more quickly.

#BG4SDGs - Time to Change: the photo project with Stefano Guindani
From Milan to Tel Aviv, from recycling of end-of-life tires to socio-economic cooperation for peace among peoples.
With the last shoot at the non-governmental organization Peres Center for Peace, the BG4SDGs - Time to Change project, conceived by Banca Generali and curated by fashion and social reportage photographer - Stefano Guindani - aimed at representing the challenges of the 17 goals of the UN 2030 Agenda has come to an end.
Two years after its presentation (September 2021), after the research carried out at different latitudes of the globe through the lens of sustainability told month by month in the individual targets, the project lifts the veil on the result of this journey in a communication path that aims to engage, inform and raise public awareness of the Agenda's goals, highlighting the criticalities of certain environmental targets, as well as the opportunities thanks to innovation and human capabilities to overcome the obstacles.
In fact, the narrative is done through a twofold key: showing how on the one hand we are faced with pressing targets in which we suffer delays that put us on alert while on the other hand, thanks to human action, innovation and dedication, we are able to chart paths of hope and solutions to challenges.
And in the coming months, the project will evolve by initiating new social initiatives to benefit the community.
#BG4SDGs - Time to Change: the photo project with Stefano Guindani
From Milan to Tel Aviv, from recycling of end-of-life tires to socio-economic cooperation for peace among peoples.
With the last shoot at the non-governmental organization Peres Center for Peace, the BG4SDGs - Time to Change project, conceived by Banca Generali and curated by fashion and social reportage photographer - Stefano Guindani - aimed at representing the challenges of the 17 goals of the UN 2030 Agenda has come to an end.
Two years after its presentation (September 2021), after the research carried out at different latitudes of the globe through the lens of sustainability told month by month in the individual targets, the project lifts the veil on the result of this journey in a communication path that aims to engage, inform and raise public awareness of the Agenda's goals, highlighting the criticalities of certain environmental targets, as well as the opportunities thanks to innovation and human capabilities to overcome the obstacles.
And in the coming months, the project will evolve by initiating new social initiatives to benefit the community.