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In 2023, we worked with 1.546 suppliers, for a total turnover of about 152 million euros.

Our suppliers

In 2023, the Banca Generali Group engaged in dealings with 1,546 suppliers, generating a total value of 152.38  million euros, broken down into 126.932million euros (83.30%  of the total) referring to Italian suppliers and 25.451  million euros (16.70% of the total) to foreign suppliers.

Suppliers Number 1,767 1,494 1,499 1,546
Cost for suppliers 102,264 117,528 135,825 152,383

The supplier selection process and purchasing methods

While maintaining an autonomous procurement policy and bargaining position in dealings with suppliers, we follow the Generali Group’s principles. In selecting our suppliers, we adopt the principles of integrity, honesty, impartiality, transparency and apply criteria relating to the competitiveness and quality of the products and services offered.

The selection process is based on clear, well-defined and non-discriminatory procedures, through the exclusive use of objective, documentable and transparent parameters tied to the quality of the products and services offered.

We also promote fair and sustainable competition amongst our suppliers and adopt a balanced approach, avoiding the creation and maintenance of positions of economic dependency. We work only with suppliers who conduct their business in rigorous compliance with national and international laws and regulations, safeguarding human right and labour protection, and comply with the principles enshrined in the Code of Ethics adopted by the Bank.

To promote the spread of sustainable business models and reduce the impact we have on the environment through our supply chain, we favour suppliers with social responsibility policies and who offer products or services with better environmental performance (e.g. with certifications ecological products).

In selecting suppliers, we privilege Italian suppliers, and in particular companies able to supply goods and/or services throughout Italy.

We have issued a specific circular entitled “Purchasing Management” governing the procedures applicable to our procurement process. A special procedure is envisaged for related party transactions.

Methods of purchase

For all purchases over 40,000 euros excluding VAT, at least three qualified suppliers are involved in the selection process and their offers are examined so as to identify the most advantageous source in terms of total purchase cost, quality, delivery times and service performance.

In order to be included in the list of relevant suppliers (estimated activity exceeding 150 thousand euros per year), a specific qualification process has been defined. Relevant suppliers are required to commit to acting in accordance with the Generali Group’s policies on ethics, integrity, fairness, transparency, fair competition and protection of the confidentiality, as well as on occupational safety and environmental protection, as illustrated in detail in the Ethical Code for suppliers of the Generali Group.

Who are the suppliers that are excluded?

Suppliers in the following situations are excluded from qualification:

  • bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, composition with creditors and all procedures aimed at securing an official declaration of such situations;
  • procedures for applying preventative measures or convictions of owners/top managers of the supplier;
  • cases of serious error or gross negligence, evidenced by the Generali Group in any manner and committed in the provision of previously awarded services or in the conduct of professional activity;
  • violation of tax obligations according to the laws of the country of residence and/or non-payment of the remuneration and social-security contributions of employees;
  • unhonoured payment obligations towards tax authorities and social-security agencies;
  • violations of the principles laid down in the Ethical Code for suppliers of the Generali Group and/or failure to meet the minimum sustainability requirements;
  • legal actions and/or judicial procedures initiated by the Supplier against the Generali Group;
  • all other conditions imposed by the Group and/or Local Compliance office.

Regular audits are performed on all suppliers in order to check compliance with the requirements. Moreover, we have insurance covers, as well as adequate contractual clauses covering damages caused by providers of infrastructure and services.

Moreover, within the Sustainability Policy we define the objectives and undertakings that guide the Group’s choices and actions, including in procurement activities, in order to make a positive contribution to sustainable development. Accordingly, we give preference to suppliers with social responsibility policies that adopt ecological criteria (e.g., use of green technologies and procedures).

In line with the Ethical Code for Suppliers of Generali Group, which states the general principles that must underlie fruitful relationships with contractual partners, we are committed to increasingly integrating ESG matters in the supply process.

In collaboration with Generali Group and with support from a third-party infoprovider (IntegrityNext), in 2023 we activated the ESG Assessment Service with the aim of involving all suppliers with a turnover in excess of 200,000 euros by 2024. This initiative calls for the assignment of an ESG rating to be used for selecting suppliers in the sourcing process and, above all, in the contract award procedure. Based on the answers given, there are four possible evaluations and the classification is based on four pillars, each with a specific series of questions and certifications to be submitted:

  1. Human Rights and Labour Rights;
  2. Health and Safety;
  3. Environmental Protection;
  4. Responsible Supply Chain
The goal of our work is to improve the lives of our customers, turning a promise into reality.