Insider stock transactions 2012
This page shows all filings that are made regarding significant insider trading transactions, as defined by the pertinent regulations. The relevant persons are obliged to send a report to Consob within three working days of the transaction using the following form.
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
28 Dec 2012 | Assicurazioni Generali SpA | Purchase | 1,392,500 | 12.97 | 18,060,825.00 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
28 Dec 2012 | Assicurazioni Generali SpA | Sale | 1,392,500 | 12.97 | 18,060,825.00 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
21 Dec 2012 | Assicurazioni Generali SpA | Purchase | 1,392,500 | 12.99 | 18,088,575.00 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
21 Dec 2012 | Assicurazioni Generali SpA | Sale | 1,392,500 | 12.99 | 18,088,575.00 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
07 Dec 2012 | Giancarlo Fancel | Sale | 12,055 | 12.4136 | 149,645.95 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
10 Nov 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Sale | 1,200 | 11.96 | 14,352.00 |
Data notifica | Nome | Operazione | Nr. azioni | Prezzo | Valore in Euro |
10 ott 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Vendita | 2.000 | 11,00 | 22.000,00 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
1 Oct 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Sale | 1,000 | 10.52 | 10,520.00 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
12 Sep 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Sale | 2,000 | 10.33 | 20,660.00 |
12 Sep 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Sale | 3,000 | 10.47 | 31,410.00 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
12 Sep 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Sale | 3,529 | 10.394 | 36,680.44 |
12 Sep 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Sale | 1,500 | 10.293 | 15,440.00 |
12 Sep 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Sale | 1,208 | 10.334 | 12,484.40 |
Date of notification | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in euros |
6 Sep 2012 | Gregorio Milanesi | Sale | 840 | 10.11 | 8,492,40 |