Insider stock transactions 2018
This page shows all filings that are made regarding significant insider trading transactions, as defined by the pertinent regulations. The relevant persons are obliged to send a report to Consob within three working days of the transaction using the following form.
Date of | Name |
30 May 2018 | Giancarlo Fancel |
Date of | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in Euros |
29 May 2018 | Andrea Ragaini | Purchase | 1000.0 | 20,42 | 20.420,00 |
Date of | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in Euros |
29 May 2018 | Gian Maria Mossa | Purchase | 2.430 | 20,0407 | 48.698,901 |