Insider stock transactions 2021
This page shows all filings that are made regarding significant insider trading transactions, as defined by the pertinent regulations.
Date of | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in Euros |
16 April 2021 | Gian Maria Mossa | Assignment | 33690 | 30,346 | 1.022.356,74 |
Date of | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in Euros |
16 April 2021 | Andrea Ragaini | Assignment | 16846 | 30,346 | 511.208,716 |
Date of | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in Euros |
16 April 2021 | Marco Bernardi | Assignment | 10107 | 30,346 | 306.707,022 |
Date of | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in Euros |
19 April 2021 | Gian Maria Mossa | Sale | 14131 | 31,1099 | 439.613,997 |
Date of | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in Euros |
19 April 2021 | Andrea Ragaini | Sale | 7067 | 31,104 | 219.811,968 |
Date of | Name | Type of Transaction | No. of shares | Price | Value in Euros |
19 April 2021 | Marco Bernardi | Sale | 4240 | 31,1045 | 131.883,08 |