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Banca Generali and Lamborghini together for "Ricette di Innovazione"

Banca Generali’s “Ricette di Innovazione” arrives at the Politecnico of Milan. The CEO of Banca Generali, Gian Maria Mossa, Stefano Domenicali, Chairman and CEO of Lamborghini, and the professor Alessandro Perego met the students of the Politecnico to to talk about digital transformation and innovation in the world of work.

The debate dealt with the impact of technology not only in the dynamics of the use of information, but also in the processes and operations of companies, becoming increasingly relevant in business models.

Mossa presented the situation of the banking sector struggling with the revolution of fintech and with new models of intermediation. Domenicali talked about the possibilities offered by the technology in the automotive sector, such as product customization for very demanding customers or the electric.

Mossa commented: “The future of the banking sector, as well as that of the industry, will lead us to increasingly complex and global challenges: combining digital skills with relational ones is the basis to build a relationship of trust with our customers. To do that, we need to gather the ideas of young generations because it is only thanks to their support that we will be able to win these challenges”.

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