Banca Generali was one of the leading companies in the Italian Sustainability Day 2019. Now in its third edition, the Italian Sustainability Day is the event organized by Borsa Italiana to promote dialogue between companies and investors on sustainability, innovation and growth.
Many themes were discussed during the day: the four panels on the calendar had investors and listed and non-listed companies as protagonists. At the center of attention, the strategies adopted by the big players on the issues of the transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon and circular economy, the financing of sustainable activities through the issue of Green, Social and Sustainable Bonds, the attention that SMEs listed and unlisted companies must begin to dedicate to the communication and management of reports on ESG issues with market stakeholders, the important contribution of the great sector leaders in raising awareness among the companies belonging to their supply chains.
On the occasion of the Italian Sustainability Day 2019, Banca Generali presented to international investors its declination of the concept of sustainability that starts from corporate governance - with a Board of Directors composed mostly of independent members and attentive to gender distinctions - up to commercial approach that links ambitious objectives to the 2019-21 three-year plan.