Banca Generali with the Politecnico of Milan to analyze trends related to the digital development of the financial industry. From this year, Banca Generali supports the Fintech & Insurtech Observatory, the project developed by the Politecnico of Milan and now in its fourth edition. The Observatory represents a benchmark for digital innovation within the Italian financial and insurance ecosystem and has the objective to better govern the changes through the creation of culture.
In the 2019 edition, the Fintech & Insurtech Observatory focuses its research on various topics: the level of digitalization of Italian banks and insurance companies; the knowledge and needs of Italian consumers on fintech and Insurtech; the use of digital financial services by Italian SMEs; the opportunities related to blockchain technology; Digital wealth management and Robo Advisor.
Technological innovation and digital transformation are one of the main pillars on which Banca Generali has based its growth plan. In recent years, the bank has invested a lot in the definition of a new technological infrastructure that would not only allow greater process efficiency, but also the best experience for the customer, thanks to new opportunities offered. Banca Generali has launched several initiatives to promote this change in the technological approach, such as new platforms – including BG Personal Advisory -, innovative home banking services, online trading and mobile banking – with the innovative facial recognition and the ability to give voice commands to perform the different functions.