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Milan, July 26, 2016 - The Board of Directors of Banca Generali approved the consolidated results for the 1st half of 2016. The second quarter 2016 is the best of the last 4 years, with quarterly net profit at €37.9 million. New records for assets under management (more than €43 billion) and stability indexes (CET1 to 14.5 %).

  • Management fees at €237.1 million
  • Total AUM at €43.6 billion
  • Net inflows at €2.9 billion
  • Total Capital Ratio at 16.0%
  • Net profit at €67.3 million
  • Sustainability Report approved: Global Added Value (GAV) amounted to €661.5 million

General Manager Gian Maria Mossa stated: ”"We are proud of our great work in supporting our customers and developing innovative instruments in the first half of the year which has been a rather challenging period. The new record figures of net inflows, total customers’ assets and solidity confirm that the bank is widely perceived as a point of reference, with cutting-edge wealth and household protection solutions through tailor-made advisory for affluent and private customers. The focus on technology and the evolution of internal processes brought about by the recent reorganisation make us even faster and more competitive in facing the challenges of the second half of the year when, we are confident, we will reach new, important goals"

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