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Banca Generali recorded its second best ever month in March, with net inflows of €€711 million, up 70% compared to the same month of the previous year. The first three months of the year set a new record in terms of quarterly net inflows reaching €€1,839 million.

Even more significantly, net inflows of managed products totalled €€709 million in March and €€1,559 million YTD. Our Financial Advisors’ focus on advisory and wealth planning services is increasingly supported by the quality of our managed products, which are proving effective in protecting against duration risks as an alternative to traditional life policies.

The innovative financial and insurance wrapper solutions recorded net inflows of €€529 million (€€1,376 million for the quarter), while traditional life policies gathered €€32 million. A la carte funds and Sicavs continued to perform very well, with net inflows of €€231 million in March and €€431 million YTD.

Chief Executive Officer Gian Maria Mossa stated: “"We are very satisfied with our March performance, which reflects our Financial Advisors’ contribution to investment protection through a versatile range of managed solutions. The excellent net inflows result was also driven by our current outstanding FA network, which focuses on active investment management to protect portfolios from interest rate risk and volatility. Its attention to diversification, together with the ability to leverage the flexibility and advantages of more innovative products over traditional solutions have attracted thousands of new customers in the first few months of 2017. We look towards the coming months with confidence and optimism".”

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