
#BG4SDGs: new digital talks dedicated to sustainability and innovation
A spotlight on sustainability thanks to Banca Generali. We have created #BG4SDGs: a cycle of meetings dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.
The meetings will be moderated by Massimo Sideri, Editor in Chief of Corriere Innovazione, who will present the SDGs time to time through a dialogue with leading personalities from the world of culture, science and society.
The project starts on Monday 22nd March with the first talk that will be on our social channels and will be held at Banca Generali's "BG Training & Innovation Hub" in the heart of Milan, a structure conceived as a digital social working area for development of issues related to innovation, fintech and development.
In particular, the following goals will be discussed:
- SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- SDG 13 – Climate Action
- SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being
- SDG 17 – Partnerships for Goals
- SDG 7 – Affordable and clean Energy
- SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities
- SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
The first UN objective that will be presented is number 9, entitled to industry, innovation and infrastructure that the UN 2030 Agenda illustrates as follows:
“Building a resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and supporting innovation. Investments in sustainable infrastructure and in scientific and technological research foster economic growth, create jobs and promote well-being ”.
In this first # BG4SDGs the protagonist will be Professor Vittorio Pellegrini, scientist and entrepreneur, co-founder of BeDimensional, start-up of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) where the professor has worked for a long time.
With him, Sideri will analyze the evolution of materials studies and how these have been decisive in identifying the applications that have ensured the constant evolution of man.
In particular, they will talk about the research activities dedicated to new materials such as graphene, a two-dimensional sheet composed of carbon atoms with a high number of properties that will contribute to making our planet more sustainable in the future.
Our Commitment for Sustainability
Environment, society and governance: from these three pillars comes the acronym ESG (environmental, social and governance) which contains three different sensitivities towards sustainable investments.
Three elements that we promote alongside our clients through our consultancy in the construction of portfolios that take into account the different sensitivities on sustainability.
Through the partnership with MainStreet Partners, we have already developed a proprietary platform since 2018 able to provide an in-depth assessment of the level of sustainability of the individual investment strategies and to calculate their impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations.
We estimated that through the choice of ESG funds, in 2020, our customers contributed to: saving 1,572 million kg of CO2, equal to the average consumption of 11.1 million car journeys from Milan to Rome, 272 billion liters of water, equal to 3.9 billion showers; distribute over 2 million organic meals and offer health care to nearly 80,000 patients.