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Banca Generali is the "Best Sustainable Private Bank Italy 2022"

Sensitivity to the ESG world and the decision to lead the Italian financial market toward a more sustainable approach to investments reward Banca Generali, which has been recognized internationally by the British magazine CFI - Capital Finance International as the "Best Sustainable Private Bank Italy 2022" as part of its annual awards.

The jury of the award, made up of financial analysts and journalists, appreciated the commitment to the world of ESG investments, which now account for about 15 percent of assets under management, thanks to the platform that brings clients' social objectives within the portfolios, returning through a particular algorithm the value relative to the return in terms of sustainability so as to verify in a tangible way the impact towards the planet.

In addition to the offering related to sustainable products, the Bank led by CEO Gian Maria Mossa was evaluated positively for bringing together different competencies in order to meet the needs of different stakeholders and excluding from its investment universe companies that violate the UN Global Compact, operating according to a business model that creates shared value, focused on service quality, innovation and sustainability.

Our Head of Area General Counsel and Group Sustainability Carmelo Reale commented, "The award received from CFI confirms Banca Generali's position among the most sustainability-conscious banks in Europe and follows the trajectory already confirmed by other major international rating agencies such as Sustainalytics, Standard Ethics and MSCI. We are delighted with this further confirmation and will continue to ensure an increasingly constructive dialogue with all stakeholders in order to create added value in the long term."

An award that therefore goes to confirm what MSCI has already stated, which in November raised the rating of Banca del Leone from BBB to A, and the inclusion in the MIB ESG index of Borsa Italiana and Euronext in October 2021. Also recently confirmed is its adherence to the Italian Banking Association's (ABI) "Women in Banking" Charter, which promotes, at the banking and financial sector, the enhancement of gender diversity.

CFI - Capital Finance International

CFI – Capital Finance International is an English magazine dedicated to economics and finance that analyzes changes and different approaches to business at a global level. Every year, the magazine organizes the CFI Awards, rewarding companies that stand out internationally in terms of innovation, digitization and sustainability

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