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BG4Real Innovation Talk: a new series of digital talks to tell the new connection between private saving and real economy

BG4 Real Innovation Talk is the new cycle of digital talks to tell how Banca Generali brings private savings closer to the real economy.

The program will start on Wednesday 15 July with a first talk which will be published on our social channels and which will illustrate the exclusive features of BG4Real and the national and international partners that allow to select the best investments on private markets.

CDI Labs, Datrix, JVP, Blisce\ and Polihub will participate in the meetings, directed by Maria Ameli, Head of Equity Private Markets of Banca Generali, with the aim of better describing the trends that characterize the world of innovation, real economy, startups and venture capital.

CDI Labs, a collaborative innovation center that provides support to major European companies in the development of projects between companies, will be the first guest of BG4 Real Innovation Talk.

Raghu Movva - Managing Partner of CDILabs - will talk about the role of Banca Generali as a financial partner, the collaborative innovation model and what are the new innovation needs. Covid-19 emergency and strategies to fight it will also be at the center of the webinars.

To watch videos:

  1. Maria Ameli & Raghu Movva (CDI Labs)
  2. Maria Ameli & Fabrizio Milano d'Aragona (Datrix)
  3. Maria Ameli & Erel Margalit (JVP)
  4. Maria Ameli & Alexandre Mars (Blisce/)
  5. Maria Ameli & Claudia Pingue (PoliHub)

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