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#BG4SDGs with Marta Ceroni: how to protect forests and biodiversity

"The financial world today plays a central role in the process of achieving the sustainability goals of the UN Agenda 2030, but it must have an inclusive approach for the whole of society". This is the vision of the forest ecologist Marta Ceroni, called by Banca Generali to address the state of the art of the path to achieving the objectives contained in the UN 2030 Agenda.

Goals on which, according to Ceroni, “We are making progress but they are very slow. There is a risk that it takes one or more generations to persistently complete this change that the planet needs. However, the change is underway and 2030 will be a first test bed to measure its progress. We can look at the positive side that is represented by the many examples already in progress and which start from significant stories and the growing awareness of the role that each of us can play".

The issue of forest protection is central to the work of the ecologist who considers economic investments aimed at reforestation a first step towards sustainable development. There are environments and places where it is important to invest in the social aspect to achieve the goal, bringing oneself close to the whole community to share and make people understand the intrinsic value that nature possesses thanks to the benefits it possesses and can offer if protected.

Born in Milan, Marta Ceroni lives and works in the United States where she is now co-director of the Academy for System Change. However, her career led her to personally lead numerous natural integration projects in Central and South America, before obtaining a professorship at the Gund Institute for Environment of the University of Vermont and being called as a consultant to the United Nations Development. Program.

For this reason, Ceroni's point of view looks beyond the path of achieving individual goals: "Too often we focus on the tip of the iceberg of the problem when the issues to be addressed are those that are not seen and that are most urgent. We must all work together on improving the mental models with which we face the great challenges that the planet puts before us".

#BG4SDGs: the interviews to discover the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Banca Generali always keeps a spotlight on sustainability to tell the story of the objectives of the UN 2030 agenda through a series of interviews.

It is with this objective in mind that we have created the meetings in which, from time to time, we present the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through a dialogue with exceptional personalities.

How to watch all interviews?

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