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Banca Generali is increasingly sustainable: Esg investments exceed 3 billion euros thanks to 200 different solutions

The sustainable investment segment of Banca Generali is still growing. At the end of June, we reached the milestone of the 200 Esg certificates within the range of offer.

Hand in hand with the growth of the total assets invested in solutions related to sustainability: we are now at 3.3 billion euros, equal to 12.5% of the total AuM.

What do the numbers say?

  • 642 million kg of CO2 saved:
  • 178 billion liters of water saved;
  • 39k patients treated;
  • 960 thousand organic meals distributed;
  • Strong increase in the fight against child labor.

These are just some of the results achieved by Banca Generali through its sustainable investment programme.

Data confirmed that our ESG program, launched in February 2019, in collaboration with MainStreet Parners is achieving its objectives through the algorithm that quantifies the return of each individual investment and the association with the objectives of the UN 2030 agenda. There are three solutions required by savers in the area of ​​SDGs: one linked to supporting the economy (goal number 9), one dedicated to the commitment to the climate (goal number 13) and one for the development of solutions for clean energy (target number 7).

In conjunction with the spread in Italy of the Covid-19 there was also a strong increase in the demand for solutions that meet the need for health protection and well-being (goal number 3). A request certainly prompted by the pandemic but which has helped to further sap a range of instruments that will be the central component of any investment portfolio.

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