
Banca Generali: a year of sustainable investments beyond expectations
Our customers' propensity for sustainable investments is growing.
Each investor can give a character of sustainability to their choices through integration with more traditional products, but always oriented towards a new awareness. Progress, understood as growth and quality of life, also depends on increasingly innovative choices and in our mission is primary and shared the goal of contributing to the support of companies that are sensitive to the environment and to society.
That's why in 2019 we launched a set of tools for building a sustainable portfolio. Thanks to a dedicated platform, developed by our Bank in collaboration with MainStreet Partners, a London-based company specializing in sustainable investment advisory, it is possible to measure products, search for sustainable investments, evaluate results, customize portfolios and precisely know the characteristics of each fund.
Banca Generali presents the ESG strategy
In 2020, the masses invested in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) solutions by our customers reached 4.87 billion euros; a result that at the end of 2020 brings the assets under management invested in ESG solutions to 13% of the total assets, a figure already higher than the 10% target defined as the goal to be achieved at the end of 2021.
On the other hand, the 2020 characterized by the pandemic has shown how ESG investment instruments are more resilient to market volatility and have a better ability to minimize portfolio risks.
Contributions in the three ESG areas
The analysis of our customers' investments with our ESG platform showed that in 2020 we were able to contribute with a positive impact to:
- Save 1,572 million kg of CO2, equal to the average consumption of 11.1 million car journeys from Milan to Rome;
- Save 272 billion liters of water, equivalent to 3.9 billion showers;
- Distribute over 2 million organic meals;
- Offer health care to nearly 80,000 patients;
- Greater protection of child labor and enhancement of Diversity.
The SDGs preferred by our customers
These data confirm the validity of our ESG program launched in February 2019 (in collaboration with MainStreet Partners) through the proprietary algorithm that quantifies the return of each individual investment and associates it with the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda (SDGs), measuring the concrete impact.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) most chosen by our customers, with reference to the 17 points drawn up in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, are:
- Climate Action (number 13);
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (number 9);
- Good Health and Well-Being (number 3);
- Partnership for the Goals (number 17);
- Affordable and Clean Energy (number 7);
In 2020, we received the following awards:
- Most Honored Bank and Top Ranked ESG Company for the Institutional Investor Survey;
- Italy's Best Employers for Women by the Deutsches Institut für Qualität und Finanze;
- Best ESG Private Banking Solutions 2020 by Capital Finance International.
- Triple B in the MSCI ESG Rating
Investing ESG, a virtuous circle
ESG investments are an asset selection method based on environmental, social and corporate governance criteria.
An investor who chooses to operate with ESG criteria wants to support companies sensitive to these issues, influencing companies that are less attentive to these parameters, in order to favor their change towards an "ESG-friendly" approach.
A virtuous circle whose main goal is to generate positive benefits for the society.
An important moment for these investments was 2015, when the United Nations finalized the agenda with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 17 SGDs clearly define the areas on which to focus ESG and “impact investing” choices.
The focus evaluates the concrete contributions towards these goals defined by the United Nations.
Now, we end with the comment of our CEO Gian Maria Mossa: “The analysis engine of financial instruments integrated in our digital platform guarantees the full personalization of the choices in line with one's sensitivities with respect to the 17 SDGs of the United Nations. We firmly believe in the importance of sustainable growth capable of creating value for all stakeholders and the innovation of this tool represents a significant step forward for consulting ".
Banca Generali is committed to concrete economic and social development and in the choice of innovative solutions, at the service of the user who invests and saves. A sustainable portfolio is not only a reality, but it represents the starting point for a new investment model destined to grow in performance and in the possibilities of customization according to the 17 points indicated by the UN. THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (
An important challenge for a vital change.