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Sustainable investments: Standard Ethics raises Banca Generali's rating

Banca Generali's commitment to sustainability has been rewarded once again.

The recognition comes from Standard Ethics, the London-based company specialising in the analysis of sustainable finance, which has upgraded our Outlook from "Stable" to "Positive", confirming the Bank's rating to "EE".

The achievement of this important goal is the result of intense work to align the Bank with the recommendations of the United Nations, the OCSE and the European Union on sustainability issues, starting with the numerous policies put in place in the various ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) spheres through to work-life balance and environmental issues.

In the last year, interventions have concerned both the top management of the Bank, with the updating of the "Diversity Policy for members of corporate bodies" and remuneration policies, and the general strategy with a "Sustainability Policy", and the investment policy. Extra-financial reporting is aligned with European best practices and measures sustainability objectives set at global level.

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