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BG4SDGs: the South Pole told by Chiara Montanari

#BG4SDGs is back with interviews with guests of excellence from the world of innovation, culture and civil society to discuss sustainability and investigate the achievement of the 17 ambitious goals set in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Today we are with Chiara Montanari, Life Explorer and the first Italian woman in charge of missions at international research bases in one of the most extreme places on the planet: the South Pole.

Managing expeditions in complex natural environments means being faced with unforeseen and ever new situations in which not only the technical part but also the human part must be coordinated.

Chiara, in fact, tells us about the Antarctic Mindset, a methodological approach linked to the world of sustainability, matured during her own personal experience and from the desire to find a useful tool for the management of the unexpected and the creation of teams that share the same goal.

These are the concepts that match those related to the 17th SDGs, where the focus is on effective partnerships to achieve the goals through approaches based on common values such as: collaboration, organization and long-term sustainable vision.

As Montanari stated, "The biggest challenge was how to achieve the end goal. How to get international and interdisciplinary groups of people to collaborate. The research base itself is based on a collaboration between states and to obtain concrete results it was necessary to make the different souls of the base composed of technicians, engineers and researchers dialogue. The richness of diversity is in depth, not so much because of the different nations of origin, but because of the difficulty of getting experts from different disciplines to speak the same language."

#BG4SDGs: the interviews to discover the 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Banca Generali always keeps a spotlight on sustainability to tell the story of the objectives of the UN 2030 agenda through a series of interviews.

It is with this objective in mind that we have created the meetings in which, from time to time, we present the 17 Sustainable Development Goals through a dialogue with exceptional personalities.

How to watch all interviews?

Visit our Youtube channel or the dedicated section of the website.

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