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Citywire Private Banking Awards 2021: the winner is Banca Generali

A new award certifies the excellence and quality of our service model in Italian private banking and beyond.

Yesterday evening, at the Citywire Private Banking Awards 2021, Banca Generali was named Best Italian Private Bank.

The award was presented by the Global Head of Citywire, George Ball, in the hands of our Head of Financial Advisors, Stefano Lenti, during the gala evening staged in the extraordinary setting of Palazzo Parigi in Milan.

In the final, Banca Generali beat the likes of Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking, UBS Global Wealth Management, Bnl-Bnp Private Banking and Banca Aletti.

The technical committee - made up of university professors and representatives of the financial world - was inspired by the judgement of our business model, which to date is unique in Italy for its level of independence and ability to integrate the best wealth planning services for private clients.

This award recognises the concrete work of all our consultants in the field, who are on the front line to help families face the complex challenges of an increasingly variable environment.

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