
ESG Risk Rating: no one like Banca Generali in financial services
Are there financial companies with zero risk in terms of sustainability? In Italy, Banca Generali is the only company with a "negligible" risk on listed markets.
This is according to analysts at Sustainalytics, one of the most important international EGS rating agencies, in the latest update of the EGS Risk Rating carried out on almost 15,000 companies worldwide.
According to the analysis of the prestigious agency controlled by Morningstar, the Bank has a risk score in terms of sustainability of 9.2 points, corresponding to a "negligible" level of risk. This result places Banca Generali in ninety-ninth place overall out of approximately 15,000 companies analysed globally, and even first in the world if the analysis is reduced to the 449 financial services operators active in the asset management sector.
The experts at Sustainalytics emphasise that the result is the result of a decisive decision taken by the private bank over a year ago to make sustainability a key factor in all corporate decisions: from product and risk analysis, to asset management and commercial aspects, as well as attention to communication and innovative projects in this regard.
"We are delighted and proud of the rating and the marked improvement in the ESG RISK rating reported by Suistainalytics analysts. Over the past year, we have worked with great passion and determination at various levels to accelerate our commitment to sustainability, which is the foundation of our business model and the backbone of our vision. From this level we want to take further steps forward as we will demonstrate at the presentation of our three-year plan in February in which the ESG component will be even more central to the bank's strategy and ambitions. We firmly believe in the opportunity to grow sustainably, bringing value to all stakeholders, and to do this, the comparison with international best practices is an opportunity to always have as a reference," said Carmelo Reale, Head of General Counsel and Sustainability at Banca Generali.
What is Sustainalytics?
Sustainalytics is a rating company controlled by Morningstar and specialised in the analysis of ESG and corporate factors within the governance of companies. Every year, Sustainalytics assesses the sustainability scores of around 15,000 companies worldwide, acting as a universal and independent yardstick for investors, shareholders and analysts. In Italy, the bank controlled by Assicurazioni Generali is the only one in the financial services sector to have made this type of assessment.