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ESG, Ragaini: Our commitment to sustainability is growing stronger

The relationship between Sustainable Finance and Wealth Management is increasingly close. This growing trend was discussed at the EMF Future Jobs Mind Lab Forum organized by the Executive Master in Finance of SDA Bocconi.

During the Mind Forum Live with a virtual audience made up of the best talents of the EMF (Executive Master in Finance) of the University, our Deputy General Manager Andrea Ragaini; Emanuele Bellingeri, Head of Asset Management Italy at Credit Suisse; Saverio Perissinotto, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Eurizon Capital SGR and Alessandro Gandolfi, Country Manager for Italy at PIMCO Europe.

With the moderator Andrea Beltratti, EMF Academic Director of SDA Bocconi, there has been talk of ESG projects and how the pandemic has changed the perception of ESGs and the future impact of European regulation on sustainable finance.

Financial Sustainability according to the Banca Generali model

Andrea Ragaini stated: "For us this is a key topic which today has growing sharing based upon values. Over the past three years, we have developed a project with the aim of creating a tangible, a real result for the customer who can easily verify what is the result of his commitment to the ESG".

"During the pandemic, the strong acceleration of ESG funds was the logical consequence both due to their greater resilience and their ability to react better to the pressures of the financial markets precisely because they intercept and are able to capture financial parameters that other investments do not they catch. Today, I would like to emphasize that we as a bank have the great opportunity to mobilize a significant amount of resources to promote sustainability more and more".

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