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PR: The Board of Directors approves the merger by incorporation of Nextam Partners S.p.A. and Nextam Partners SGR S.p.A. in Banca Generali S.p.A.

Press releases

The Board of Directors approves the merger by incorporation of Nextam Partners S.p.A. and Nextam Partners SGR S.p.A. in Banca Generali S.p.A.

Milan, 5 June 2020 – Today, the Board of Directors of Banca Generali S.p.A. (the “Company”) approved the merger by incorporation of the subsidiaries Nextam Partners S.p.A. and Nextam Partners SGR S.p.A. into the Company, thus approving (pursuant to art. 18 paragraph 2 of Company’s Bylaws, as well as art. 2505 of Italian civil code) the merger project that was outlined and disclosed to the public on 5 May 2020.

Similar decision was taken, today, also by the Board of Directors of Nextam Partners S.p.A. and by the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of Nextam Partners SGR S.p.A. respectively.

For a greater detail of information regarding the merger, please refer to the Press Release published on 28 February 2020 and on 5 May 2020, as well as to the set of documents filed and made available, pursuant to the applicable law, at the registered office of the merging companies, and at the Company’s operating offices in Milan, Direzione Affari Societari e Rapporti con le Authorities, Piazza Tre Torri 1, as well as at the Company’s institutional website in the section “investor relations-acquisitions and divestments”, on Borsa Italiana S.p.A. website ( and on the authorized storage mechanism

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