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Banca Generali: qualitative and quantitative composition of the Board of Directors and of the Board of Statutory Auditors

Milan, 23 February 2021 – In view of the upcoming Annual General Meeting that will be called also to reappoint the company’s governing bodies, the documents regarding the qualitative and quantitative composition of the Board of Directors and the qualitative and quantitative composition of the Board of Statutory Auditors are now available.

The aforementioned documents contain the guidelines that Banca Generali’s outgoing Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors, respectively, wish to provide to the shareholders, pursuant to law, to support them in the process of identifying the best proposals for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the company’s management body and control body.

Both documents are available at the company’s registered office in Trieste, Via Machiavelli 4, at its operating offices in Milan, Direzione Affari Societari e Rapporti con le Authorities, Piazza Tre Torri 1, on the corporate website (, Governance/AGM/Ordinary Shareholders Meeting 2021) as well as on the authorized storage mechanism

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