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Banca Generali: conclusion of the buy-back of treasury shares plan

Milan, 7 October 2022 – Banca Generali announces that the implementation of the plan concerning the buy-back of treasury shares in service of the Remuneration and Incentivisation Policies for key personnel, that was authorized by the General Shareholders’ Meeting held on 21 April 2022 (and announced to the market pursuant to Article 144-bis of Consob's Rules for Issuers adopted by Resolution No. 11971/1999), is concluded.

Banca Generali also announces that, as part of the aforementioned authorization resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting, it has bought 897,500 own shares at the average price of €27.0705 per share, for a total amount of €24,295,777.04.

Following the purchases that were made, Banca Generali S.p.A. is now holding a total of 2,809,497 treasury shares, equal to 2.404% of its share capital.

Read the full press release and discover more on breakdown of transactions on a daily basis.

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