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PR: Notice of Calling General Shareholders' Meeting

Press releases

Banca Generali: notice of calling, reports on the items placed on the agenda and information documents published

Milan, 23 March 2020 – This is to announce that, as disclosed in the press release dated 9 March 2020, the notice of calling for the General Shareholders’ Meeting — which has been published today in excerpt form on the Italian daily newspaper “Italia Oggi”(1) —, the reports on the items placed on the Agenda and the information documents, drawn-up pursuant to Article 84-bis of the Consob Regulation No. 11971 of 14 May 1999, have been made available to the public at the registered office in Trieste, Via Machiavelli 4, at the Milan operating offices, Direzione Affari Societari e Rapporti con le Authorities, Piazza Tre Torri 1, on the corporate website (, on the website of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (, as well as on the authorized storage mechanism

Please be advised that the date and/or place and/or participation and/or voting methods and/or conduct of the Shareholders’ Meeting indicated in the notice of calling are conditional on compliance with applicable legislation or measures issued by the competent authorities in response to the Covid-19 emergency.

Prompt notice will be given of any changes using to the same channels used to publish the notice of calling and/or the information channels provided for in legislation applicable from time to time.

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 emergency, in accordance with Decree-Law No. 18 of 17 March 2020, the Company has established that attendance in the Shareholders’ Meeting will take place exclusively through the Appointed Representative pursuant to Article 135-undecies of TUF; ample details are provided on the website, in the section Corporate Governance/AGM/Attending the AGM. Members of company bodies may participate in the proceedings of the General Shareholders’ Meeting by audio-conferencing. Proxies or subdelegations may be granted to the Appointed Representative pursuant to Article 135-novies of TUF, derogating from Article 135-undecies, paragraph 4, of TUF, in order to ensure the widest use of such remote voting system by all Shareholders, in compliance with the principle of protecting the health of the Company’s Shareholders, employees, management and advisors.

The Remuneration Report, the authorization to the purchase of treasury stock, the Annual Corporate Governance Report and the documents related to the Annual Financial Statements will be published within the time limits established by law and will be available on the Company’s website (, on the Borsa Italiana S.p.A. web site (, as well as on the authorized storage system (

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