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Net inflows February 2020

Total net inflows at €539 million in February (€977 million YTD)

Net inflows of managed products at €226 million (€369 million YTD)

Assets under Advisory reached €4.9 billion (+€200 million since year-start)


Milan, 6 March 2020 - Banca Generali’s net inflows grew in February in terms of volumes and product mix, confirming a year-start marked by a very strong demand, in particular for the innovative Luxembourg-based Sicav LUX IM. February total net inflows reached €539 million, nearing €1 billion in the first two months of 2020 alone.

Managed products grew sharply compared to the previous month, with an acceleration in all most innovative solutions: the new Sicav LUX IM reported the best performance with €282 million for the month, bringing its YTD total to €448 million, whereas the new insurance wrappers BG Stile Libero and Lux Protection Life gathered €118 million for the month and €217 million YTD.

AUC also performed well, with net inflows amounting to €166 million (€245 million YTD), invested primarily in new issues of structured products/securitisations. Net inflows in current accounts amounted to €147 million (€363 million YTD), driven by financial markets’ volatility, as customers are awaiting better investment opportunities.

In February, Assets under Advisory reached €4.9 billion, up by €200 million since year-start.

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager Gian Maria Mossa stated: “A very solid start to the year despite the increasing market complexity and uncertainties and the concerns that we all share regarding the Coronavirus. In this scenario, net inflows of nearly one billion euros in two months are a considerable result, made possible by the unwavering daily efforts of our professionals, in providing wealth protection and diversification advice to households. The versatility and customisation offered by our solutions are proving particularly effective at this historic time, and the efforts devoted to the digital approach for remote interaction and transactions ensure us operating and business continuity even in stressfull situations. The quality of our professionals, our highly diversified approach and the strength of our brand allow us to look towards the coming months with confidence in our ability to continue to outperform the market.”

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