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Banca Generali: resignation of Board member Ilaria Romagnoli

Milan, 15 March 2024 - Banca Generali announces that, following the Board of Directors’ meeting held today, Ilaria Romagnoli resigned, effective immediately, from her position as member of the Board of Directors due to “supervening personal reasons.”

Within the Board Committees, Independent Director Ilaria Romagnoli served as Chairwoman of the Credit Committee, member of the Internal Audit and Risk Committee and member of the Nomination, Governance and Sustainability Committee.

The Board of Directors expresses its unanimous and deep appreciation to Ilaria Romagnoli for her valuable contribution and sense of responsibility demonstrated during her directorship.

Considering (i) that the term of the Board of Directors in office will end upon the approval of the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2023, and (ii) that the forthcoming General Shareholders’ Meeting, already called on 18/19 April 2024, will resolve upon, inter alia, the approval of the Financial Statements for the year ended 2023 and will elect the new Corporate Bodies, the Board of Directors deems it unnecessary to proceed at this stage with the replacement of the outgoing Director.

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