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Net Inflows February 2022

  • Total net inflows at €496 million in February (€979 million YTD);
  • Net inflows of managed and insurance solutions at €346 million (€445 million YTD);

Milan, 7 March 2022 - Banca Generali’s total net inflows amounted to €496 million in February, nearing one billion net inflows YTD. Managed solutions (funds and insurance and financial wrappers) amounted to €284 million (€465 million YTD), confirming a good performance despite the extraordinary volatility of financial markets.

Among managed solutions, financial wrappers (BG Solution) performed particularly well with €114 million net inflows in February (€203 million YTD, accounting for 44% of managed solutions). This result was achieved thanks to the dedicated asset management structure, which with its seven teams diversified by management style ensures solution personalisation and diversification and this meets our clients’ interest.

Net inflows from traditional life policies grew recording €62 million in February, as a result of the recovery of products linked to rising returns and financial market volatility.

AUC solutions also rose (€154 million in February; €223 million YTD), thanks to the significant contribution of structured products (€92 million in February; €173 million YTD).

Assets under Advisory amounted to €42 million YTD. Total assets reached €7.0 billion, net of the market performance for the period.

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager Gian Maria Mossa stated: “We are currently living through a dramatic period marked by severe concerns, due to a dreadful war that we hope will end soon. Markets are weighted down by great uncertainty and fear, and it is at times like these that I feel most proud of the valuable work that our professionals carry out with competence, reliability and closeness to clients. The February results further testify to our forward-looking approach, also thanks to our unparalleled, wide range of solutions and services. Our Bank’s solidity and our skilled bankers are increasingly meeting households’ needs, and the positive results reported in February also in terms of net inflows from managed solutions confirm our ability to plan for the medium to long term. We are paying the utmost attention to the developments of the conflict, aware of our responsibility of being a point of reference in investment protection.”

Read the full press release

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