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Net Inflows March 2022

  • Total net inflows at €480 million in March (€1,460 million YTD)
  • Net inflows of managed solutions at €101 million (€567 million YTD)

Milan, 11 April 2022 - Total net inflows amounted to €480 million in March, continuing the robust trend reported in the previous months and confirming Banca Generali as a point of reference for households even in times of crisis. Overall net inflows totalled €1.5 billion YTD.

Despite of the strong market volatility and the ensuing prudent approach to investments, the Bank reported a positive performance also in terms of net inflows from managed solutions with €101 million in March (€567 million YTD). Among these, the best figure was recorded by funds (€62 million in March; €213 million YTD), supported by instruments suitable to current dynamics, such as capital accumulation plans and switch solutions to seize the diversification opportunities arising from market inconsistencies.

Most of the net inflows recorded in March were directed towards AUC solutions with €383 million (€917 million YTD), of which €265 million in current accounts that, according to the Bank’s experience, will be subsequently invested in the coming months based on accurate financial planning decisions.

Assets under Advisory continued to grow, with new inflows reaching €99 million YTD and total assets amounting to €7.1 billion.

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager Gian Maria Mossa stated: “The Bank reported robust results in a complex month marked by concerns tied to the conflict, in addition to issues such as inflation and the high volatility caused by central banks’ policies. Each day, our bankers stand with our customers in facing the challenges of protecting their portfolios and the solidity of our net inflows bears witness to the quality of our work and the efficacy of our range of products and services. Our commitment to progressive investment solutions, thematic diversification and technological tools in support of advanced advisory continue to be strengths appreciated by households, who recognise our model as a point of reference in wealth protection. The high-standing professionals’ interest in our Bank and the growing confidence shown by our customers lead us to look to growth in the coming months with guarded optimism.”

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