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1Q 2021 Results

Best ever quarter in the last year of the Industrial Plan

  • Net profit: €135.4 million (+71%)
  • Recurring net profit: €37.2 million (+13%)
  • Total revenues: €239.9 million (+42%)
  • Operating expenses: €56.0 million (+4%)
  • CET1 ratio at 16.2% and TCR Ratio at 17.5%

Acceleration of business expansion

  • Total assets: € 77.5 billion (+19%)
  • Assets under Advisory: €6.6 billion1 (+37%)
  • Q1 2021 net inflows: €1.7 billion (+11%)
  • YTD net inflows: €2.4 billion (+29%)

Requirements of Directors and Statutory Auditors appointed by the General Shareholders' Meeting verified

Milan, 11 May 2021 — The Board of Directors of Banca Generali approved the consolidated results at 31 March 2021.

Chief Executive Officer and General Manager Gian Maria Mossa stated: “The year 2021 has gotten off to a strong start, with a further increase in the interest towards our business and a per-capita performance by our bankers far in excess of the sector average. As a Bank that has made the value of human capital its focal point, we are very proud of and satisfied with having achieved the best quarterly performance in our history in a scenario that remains challenging due to the tail-end of an unprecedented crisis. The quality of our professionals throughout Italy and the dedication and expertise of our HQ personnel ensure, even in an exceptional situation, a constant focus on the value of service, the search for innovation and the sustainability of our results. We are growing in every direction, also supported by the versatility of our range of products and services and our digital ecosystem, providing highly personalised wealth protection solutions. Our growth is also increasingly drawing the attention of advisory and private banking talents. We increasingly represent the first-choice partner for clients looking for professionalism and competency but also for a relationship-oriented approach. Having delivered these numbers at the beginning of the last year of our 2019-2021 plan is proof of the validity of the projects launched and of our Company’s solidity and ability to generate value. Despite the caution necessitated by the external context, we look to our growth trajectory in the coming months with renewed confidence.”

Le notizie relative a Sostenibilità, Prodotti e Servizi, Innovazione e altro ancora sono presenti nella sezione News del sito.

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