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Banca Generali: Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

Milan, 19 April 2022 – Due to logistical problems, the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting already convened for Thursday 21 April 2022 (first call) at 9:30 a.m. and for Friday 22 April 2022 (second call), at the same place and time, will be held at the Company's offices in Corso Italia no. 6 in Milan instead of Piazza Tre Torri no. 1. The said change in the location of the meeting is notified through the same channels used for the publication of the notice of call and/or through the information channels provided for in applicable law in force from time to time.

Without prejudice to the above, the content of the notice of call of the Shareholders' Meeting published on 21 March 2022 on the Company's website (, on the website of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. ( and on the storage mechanism of the Shareholders' Meeting ( and also published, by extract, on the same date in the daily newspaper "Italia Oggi", is hereby confirmed.

Therefore (i) due to the Covid19 emergency – pursuant to, inter alia, Article 106 of Legislative Decree No. 18 dated 17 March 2020, as converted into Law no. 27 of April 24, 2020, the effectiveness of which was most recently extended pursuant to art. 3, paragraph 1, of Law Decree no. 228 of December 30, 2021 - attendance to the Shareholders’ Meeting will take place exclusively through the Appointed Representative, (ii) the members of the corporate bodies and the other persons in charge of the proceedings of the Shareholders' Meeting may attend the Shareholders' Meeting via audio-conference, while (iii) the shareholders may attend the proceedings of the Shareholders' Meeting through a passive streaming platform accessible, upon identification, in the manner and according to the instructions duly announced on the Company's website at

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