Transparency Information
Banca Generali Group has adopted the Internal Code of Conduct which, among other things, in line with the law, ethics, rules and regulations, regulates, limits or prohibits the offer or acceptance by its employees of gifts, entertainment or other benefits.
In particular, employees are not allowed to offer or accept, either directly or through intermediaries, anything that is not related to their ordinary work activity, that does not comply with the law or that does not fall within the scope of normal working relations in accordance with local practice or internal regulations, which, where possible and always in accordance with the law, regulations, market practice or ordinary business activity, provide for strict limits.
Furthermore, the Banca Generali Group does not make any contribution (nor does it participate in any other type of expenditure) in relation to political activities such as ballot measures or referendums performed by local, regional or national political organisations or candidates.
In 2023 none of the aforementioned political contributions were made.