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EduFin 3.0: a new project dedicated to financial education
28 September 2022#Innovation

EduFin 3.0: a new project dedicated to financial education

Marco Montemagno and Banca Generali for financial education in a unique project to bring the general public and new generations closer to the world of finance through social media

What is inflation? How does it impact our daily lives? What will be the future of investment? How does blockchain work?

These are some of the questions that characterize the present and future of the world of savings and which we will try to answer with Edufin3.0, the financial education project created in collaboration with well-known influencer Marco "Monty" Montemagno.

An initiative that aims to spread a positive culture toward the world of investment to an audience that includes the younger generation.

How to do it?

Edufin3.0 will develop its content on all major social media platforms: from Facebook to TikTok, from Instagram to YouTube to podcasts.

The topics at the center of the editorial schedule will be developed on a weekly basis and will cover all major financial education topics, from the traditional ones to the innovations brought to the savings industry from cryptocurrencies to blockchain via the Metaverse.

All of this is developed through a straightforward dissemination key that relies on simple language, accompanied by graphic info and with messages tailored weighted according to the time available to users and their willingness to delve into concepts.

Gian Maria Mossa, Amministratore Delegato di Banca Generali

How will the project be structured?

The format of Edufin 3.0 traces the traditional "4 chats with..." that characterizes Marco Montemagno's editorial journey: an hour of informal chat in the company of international experts for each financial education topic taken up. The presence within Edufin3.0 of sportsmen, actors, entertainment personalities and educators will also offer an additional dimension and insights from people outside the world of finance and investment.

The project will be developed with an initial duration of 1 year, through 52 interviews. The full videos of each will be posted on Marco Montemagno's YouTube channel and declined in the form of podcasts that will be made available on Spotify's platform. Ad hoc pills will also be developed for each topic and uploaded to Marco Montemagno's profiles on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Lastly, the dissemination of clips on Instagram and TikTok will represent a key to also engage an audience of users falling within a younger age group, so as to bring those who will be the savers of the future closer to this subject.

Marco Montemagno, Influencer

Italy and financial education

That of financial education in Italy is a complicated story that has been showing the same weaknesses for too many years. According to Bankitalia's latest surveys, only 44.3 percent of Italians possess sufficient skills in financial matters. This is an increasing figure since the last survey, but still places our country 25th out of 26 in the OECD rankings for financial education.

The situation is improving among young people, though not by much. In fact, narrowing the field to only high school students, Italy ranks 13th out of 20 countries considered in the area of financial skills.

Fonte OCSE

Marco Montemagno, Influencer Marco Montemagno, Influencer
For years my community has been asking me for insights on the topic of financial education, and after finding a perfect team of partners, I am really happy to be able to open the doors of my social channels to this project. Dissemination nowadays cannot, in fact, ignore social: suffice it to say that GenZ spends more than three hours a day connected. Our weekly appointments will aim to go into the main issues related to the world of financial education and provide tools thanks to which everyone can create their own personal culture and idea on the subject.
